
Septitrain tourist train

Place du Gros Tilleul
, Chef-Lieu
74340 Samoëns


From 09/02 to 28/04/2024, daily.
Departure times are indicated on a board under the Halle de la Grenette, place du Gros Tilleul.
If the board is missing, it means that the little train is not running that day.

From 31/05 to 30/06/2024, daily.
Departure times are indicated on a board under the Halle de la Grenette, place du Gros Tilleul.
If the board is missing, it means that the little train is not running that day.

From 07/07 to 31/08/2024, daily.
Departure times are indicated on a board under the Halle de la Grenette, place du Gros Tilleul.
If the board is missing, it means that the little train is not running that day.


Adult: 5 to 8 € (20-minute discovery tour of Samoëns: €5
45-minute tour of the valleys + village: €8), Child (2-12 years): 3 to 5 € (20-minute discovery tour of Samoëns: €3
45-minute tour of the valleys + village: €5).

Group rate available for > 15 people.

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The Septimontains (inhabitants of Samoëns) have their own little train: the septitrain! An original and authentic way to discover the village.

Let the Septitrain take you on a trip round Samoëns at a gentle pace on an unusual and friendly guided tour.

Complément d'informations

20-minute circuit.

From 5 July, on market day, the little train is free from 9.30am to 12.45pm. Departure from the cable car, stop at the roundabout at the pharmacy (Fordongianus), buses run every 15 minutes. All requests are considered, please phone for details. In winter, the little train only runs if the road is clear.

Complément de localisation

From the Samoëns tourist office, by bike, on foot or in a wheelchair, take Avenue Cognac Jaÿ, turn right at the end of the street, and 150m further on you'll arrive at Place du gros Tilleul.

Free parking nearby at Place des dents blanches and Place des Avoudruz. Blue spaces and PMR reserved spaces just ahead.

Gestes pour l'environnement
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